Dates: March 31 – April 1, 2016
Location: Raytheon Corporate Headquarters, Waltham, MA
Sponsored by: Raytheon BBN Technologies

Overview: The 3rd SIPQNP, held in 2016, started with a two-part theory session, focusing on photonic quantum computing and quantum key distribution respectively — with overview talks and moderated discussions for each. This was followed by two experiments-and-devices centric sessions: one on integrated photonic devices, and the other on bulk optics and single photon / number resolving detector technologies. The workshop ended with a few hour-long topical discussions on single-photon nonlinearities, novel optical quantum encoding formats, and quantum networking.
Program committee: Joshua Combes, Paul Kwiat, Ryan Camacho, Liang Jiang, Don Towsley, Barak Dayan, Saikat Guha, Richard Lazarus, Jonathan L. Habif, Zachary Dutton, Thomas Ohki, Susan Katz, Sandra Zucco, Julia Strangie-Brown, Eric Schiller
Participants: Brett Attaway, Konrad, Banaszek, Boulat Bash, Prithwish Basu, Fracisco Becerra, Don Boroson, Agata Branczyk, Daniel Brod, Sonia Buckley, Hugo Cable, Ryan Camacho, Jacques Carolan, Aurelia Chenu, John Chiaverini, Patrick Coles, Joshua Combes, John Cortese, Marcus de Silva, Barak Dayan, Nathalie de Leon, Paul “Ben” Dixon, Zachary Dutton, Chip Elliott, Dirk Englund, Philip Evans, Eden Figueroa, KC Fong, Alex Gaeta, Dan Gauthier, Julio Gea-Banacloche, Cale Gentry, Thomas Gerrits, Mercedes Gimeno-Segovia, Daniel Greenbaum, Warren Grice, Saikat Guha, Jonathan Habif, Zubin Jacob, Liang Jiang, Blake Johnson, Bertus Jordaan, Paul Juodawlkis, Susan Katz, Marwan Khater, Hari Krovi, Paul Kwiat, Quing Li, Seth Lloyd, Virginia Lorenz, Norbert Lutkenhaus, Chistopher McNally, Karan Mehta, Richard Mirin, Shayan Mookherjea, Yuezhen “Murphy” Niu, Thomas Ohki, Jason Orcutt, Mihir Pant, Borja Peropadre, Milos Popovic, Kristin Raushenbach, Ronald Reano, Serge Rosenblum, Terry Rudolph, Jeremy Sage, Barry Sanders, Carey Schwartz, Pete Shadbolt, Jeff Shainline, Jeff Shaprio, Matt Shaw, Olivier Simon, Mohammad Soltani, Cheryl Sorace-Agaskar, Kartik Srinivasan, Julia Strangie-Brown, Hong Tang, Jeff Thompson, Mark Thompson, Donald Towsley, Junji Urayama, Ian Walmsley, Mark Wilde, Zheshen Zhang, Quntao Zhuang, Chang-Ling Zou, Sandra Zucco
Thursday, March 31
8:00-8:05am Opening Remarks [Saikat Guha, Raytheon BBN]
8:00am-12:00pm Theory of Quantum Information Processing [Lead: Josh Combes, Perimeter Institute]
We will discuss new theoretical concepts and ideas in quantum-enhanced optics-based information processing, with application to communications, computing and sensing. The goal of this session will be to address these new ideas of quantum enhancements in specific applications and to discuss important theoretical challenges in accurate modeling of practical quantum systems, with the ultimate objective of determining needs on devices (figures of merit and number) to realize specific applications scalably in order to obtain meaningful quantum-afforded performance gains.
Theme 1: Optical Quantum Computing and New Frontiers
- 8:05-8:10am Overview of the Theory session [Josh Combes, Perimeter Institute]
- 8:10-8:30am Photonic quantum computing is possible with anything less than 100% loss [Terry Rudolph, Imperial College]
- 8:30-9:00am Large scale linear optical quantum computing [Hugo Cable (University of Bristol) Mercedes Gimeno-Segovia (University of Calgary, University of Bristol), Pete Shadbolt (Imperial College)]
- 9:00-9:20am Boson sampling the gap between theory proposals and experiments: the road forward [Daniel Brod, Perimeter Institute]
- 9:20-9:40am New class of quantum error-correcting codes for a Bosonic mode [Liang Jiang, Yale]
Theme 2: Quantum Key Distribution
- 9:50-10:10am Floodlight Quantum Key Distribution: A Practical Route to Gbps QKD [Jeffery H Shapiro, MIT]
- 10:10-10:30am Optical communication in the low-power regime: noise effects [Konrad Banaszek, University of Warsaw]
- 10:30-10:50am Unstructured QKD [Norbert Lutkenhaus, IQC Waterloo]
Theme 3: Fundamentals
- 10:50-11:10am Customizing joint spectral amplitudes of nonlinear-optical photon-pair sources [Agata Branczyk, Perimeter Institute]
- 11:10-11:30am Single photon gates and switches [Julio Gea-Banacloche, University of Arkansas]
- 11:30am-12:00pm Focused discussion session on Cross Kerr nonlinearities and CPhase gates: 5 minute opinion speeches from Jeff Shapiro, Alex Gaeta, Seth Lloyd, Josh Combes/Daniel Brod, and Eden Figueroa [Barry Sanders, Calgary]
12:00-1:00pm Lunch and Posters
1:00-5:00pm Integrated Photonics [Lead: Ryan Camacho, Sandia National Laboratories]
The focus of this session will be on prioritizing the device metrics for various application pulls, and also understanding the state of the art and near-term prospects of various nanophotonic platforms with respect to each of the relevant metrics.
- 1:00-1:20pm An AIM Photonics Overview: What is it and how can I interact with it? [Bret Attaway, SUNY Polytechnic Institute]
- 1:20-1:40pm Integrated Quantum Photonic Circuits and CMOS Integration [Miloš Popović, University of Colorado Boulder]
- 1:40-2:00pm Heterogeneous quantum photonic circuits on silicon [Hong Tang, Yale]
- 2:00 – 2:20pm Fiber-to-chip light coupling using cantilever couplers, voltage control of optical polarization on chip using Berry’s phase, and hybrid silicon and lithium niobate integrated optics [Ronald Reano, OSU]
- 2:20-2:40pm Room temperature pair generation using optical microresonators [Shayan Mooherjea, UCSD]
- 2:40–3:00pm Photonic skin-depth engineering and universal spin-momentum locking [Zubin Jacob, Alberta]
- 3:00 – 3:10pm Break
- 3:10-3:30pm Quantum Frequency Conversion Platforms [Kartik Srinivasan, NIST]
- 3:30-3:50pm Applications of Quantum Frequency Converters [Alex Gaeta, Columbia]
- 3:50-4:25pm Guided Discussion on LOQC using nanophotonics [Mark Thompson, Bristol]
- 4:20-5:00pm Guided Discussion on state-of-the-art quantum nanophotonics components, bottlenecks, and opportunities [Dirk Englund (MIT), Ryan Camacho (Sandia)]
5:00-6:00pm Pre-dinner Drinks Reception and Posters
6:00-9:00pm Dinner Banquet
Friday, April 1
8:00am-12:00pm Bulb Quantum Optics and Detectors
The goal of this session will be to discuss the state-of-the art, as well as important challenges and opportunities, in experimental (bulk) quantum optics and photon detectors. The guided session at the end will address open questions raised during the session, as well as interfacing challenges (with integrated photonic and other matter quantum systems).
- 8:00-8:20am Ultra-high performance SPDC entanglement [Thomas Gerrits, NIST]
- 8:20-8:40am FWM Sources and spectral characterization [Virginia Lorenz, UIUC]
- 8:40-9:00am Time-multiplexed sources and memories [Paul Kwiat, UIUC]
- 9:00-9:20am Photonic quantum memories [Eden Figueroa, Stonybrook]
- 9:20-9:45am Quantum photonic memories [Ian Walmsley, Oxford]
- 9:45-10:05am Quantum memories for photons [Barak Dayan, Weizmann]
- 10:05-10:25am Break
- 10:25-10:55am Superconducting detectors [Matt Shaw, JPL]
- 10:55-11:10am Semiconducting detectors [Alan Migdall, NIST]
- 11:10-11:30am Graphene photon detectors [KC Fong, BBN]
- 11:30am-12:00pm Guided discussion on interfacing/replacing bulk-integrated optics [Paul Kwiat, UIUC]
12:00-1:00pm Lunch and Posters
1:00-4:00pm Moderated Topical Discussions
- 1:00-1:50pm Single-photon nonlinearities – Barak Dayan, Weizmann Institute of Science, will lead a discussion on the prospects of realizing non-linear optical operations (such as self and cross Kerr like interactions, cubic phase gates, non-destructive and weak measurements) on few-photon-level optical states.
- 1:50-2:00pm Break
- 2:00-2:50pm Novel optical encodings of quantum information – Liang Jiang, Yale, will lead a discussion on alternative (non dual-rail) photonic qubits, including ones that may need quantum non-linear optics on few-photon-level optical states.
- 2:50-3:00pm Break
- 3:00-4:00pm Quantum network theory – Don Towsley, UMass Amherst, will lead a discussion on relevant network layer issues for future a quantum information and communication network (e.g., network design, and routing/scheduling protocols for multi-flow entanglement distribution over an underlying repeater network of a complex topology). The goal of this discussion will be to discuss the benefits and associated challenges–both in theory and devices–in realizing a scalable quantum information network in the future.
4:00-4:30pm Closing discussion and vote of thanks [Zachary Dutton, BBN]
4:30pm Adjourn