Dates: January 13-14, 2022
Location: Snowbird, UT (hosted with PQE Conference)
Sponsored by: NSF Center for Quantum Networks

Overview: This SIPQNP was embedded within the Physics of Quantum Electronics (PQE) conference, and featured talks by the Center Directors of the newly-minted NQI centers funded by the NSF and the DoE. In addition, it had focused sessions on the need to scale photonic quantum technologies, perspectives from large foundries, and a session where industry leaders of quantum groups shared their perspectives.
Participants [in addition to the PQE-registered participants who joined SIPQNP]: Andrew Childs, William Clark, Ryan Camacho, Domenico Di Mola, Zachary Dutton, Matt Eichenfield, Stephen Fleming, Anna Grasselino, Saikat Guha, David Harame, Andrew Houck, Travis Humble, Ania Jayich, Ted Letavic, Peter Maurer, Inder Monga, Rick Muller, Will Oxford, Alireza Shabani, Dan Stamper-Kurn, Luqi Yuan
Thursday, January 13
9:10am-1:00pm Breakout Sessions: Overview of NSF and DoE National Quantum Initiative (NQI) Centers of Excellence in Quantum Information Science and Engineering [Lead: Saikat Guha, University of Arizona]
- 9:10-9:30am “Overview of the NSF QLCI Center on Quantum Sensing in Biophysics and Bioengineering” [Peter Maurer, University of Chicago]
- 9:30-9:50am “Overview of the DoE Center for Quantum Systems Accelerator” [Rick Muller, Sandia National Laboratory]
- 9:50-10:10am “Overview of the NSF-QLCI Center for Robust Quantum Stimulations” [Andrew Childs, University of Maryland]
- 10:10-10:30am “Overview of the DoE NQI Center on Superconducting Quantum Materials and Systems Center” [Anna Grasselino, Fermi Laboratory]
- 12:00-12:20pm “Overview of the DoE NQI Quantum Science Center” [Travis Humble, Oak Ridge National Laboratory]
- 12:20-12:40pm “Overview of the NSF QLCI Center for Present and Future Quantum Computing” [Andrew Houck, Brookhaven National Laboratory]
- 12:40-1:00pm “Overview of the NSF QLCI Center for Present and Future Quantum Computing” [Dan Stamper-Kurn, University California Berkeley]
3:00-5:00pm SIPQNP Session: What are the Needs to Scale Quantum Technologies? Panel Discussion with Audience Participation [Lead: Michael Raymer, University of Oregon]
- 3:00-3:15pm “Distributed quantum sensing with entangled sensor networks” [Quntao Zhuang, University of Arizona]
- 3:15-3:30pm “Distributed quantum computing in the cloud” [Chris Monroe, Duke University]
- 3:30-3:45pm “Quantum enhanced receivers for communications” [Konrad Banaszek, University of Warsaw]
- 3:45-4:00pm “Quantum repeater networks” [Mihir Bhaskar, Harvard University / AWS]
- 4:00-4:15pm “Robust Quantum Algorithms” [Peter Johnson, Zapata Computing]
- 4:15-5:00pm Moderated discussion [Michael Raymer, University of Oregon]
8:50-10:30pm Breakout Sessions: Quantum Photonics Foundries and Capabilities [Lead: Ryan Camacho, Brigham Young University]
- 8:50-9:10pm “Silicon Photonics: Quantum and Beyond” [Ted Letavic, Global Foundries]
- 9:10-9:30pm “AIM Photonics Capabilities in Quantum Photonics” [David Harame, AIM Photonics]
- 9:30-9:50pm “UCSB Quantum Foundry” [Aniya Jayich, University California Santa Barbara]
- 9:50-10:10pm “Photonic Capabilities at Sandia National Laboratories” [Matt Eichenfield, Sandia National Laboratory]
- 10:10pm-10:30pm “Simulating Dynamic and Non-Equilibrium Systems with Synthetic Dimentions” [Luqi Yuan, Shanghai Jiao Tong University]
Friday, January 14
Breakout Sessions 9:10-10:50am: Industry Vision and Perspectives on Quantum Technologies [Lead: Stephen Fleming]
- 9:10-9:30am “An Industry Perspective on Quantum Networks and Photonic Quantum Computing” [Alireza Shabani, Cisco Systems]
- 9:30-9:50am “A highly-integrated hybrid platform forQuantum Photonic and Classical processing” [Will Oxford, Anametric]
- 9:50-10:10am “What quantum networks can do for Raytheon Technologies and our customers” [Zachary Dutton, Raytheon BBN]
- 10:10-10:30am “Future evolution of Network in the era of Cloud-distributed solutions and massive AI/ML driven operations. Where and When Quantum Networking?” [Domenico Di Mola, Juniper]
- 10:30-10:50am “TBA” [William Clark, General Dynamics Mission Systems]